I'm sure everyone would assume that myself being an artist and all, And well going to art school and liking it a whole lot, would want to date a dude that was super into art as well. Well you're fucking WRONG!
There are a couple types of art sharks: The I don't know jack shit about art, but want to get in your pants shark.
This art shark is the guy who wants to do annnnnnything to get to know "What kind of art you do?" and "What kind of art do you like?" Simply because he doesn't know a single fucking thing about art. But hey guess what, I'm not the SAM. And I don't provide a service to dudes who "Want to see what art I like." Fuck that. Figure out what you're into yourself, and don't try to like art cause you think chicks will like you and give you their muffin. Douche.
The other kind of art shark is: The I googled William Blake, and Frida Kahlo and will try to then talk to you about "What you see in it?" Because they are still trying to get the muffin.
Fuck... This is all I want to say to this type of art shark. Probably just like this, "Listen dude! I spend 20 hours a week talking about art, and making art, and feeling art. So back the shit off! I don't want to talk about its color choices or composition, or even the fucking line value. Or how the artist died. So please go try and fuck some other chick cause you and your tribal tattoo aren't doing it for this muffin!"
There are variations of art sharks, but what they want to talk about, and are looking for out of the deal is the same. They want to you to talk, while they stare at your boobs, and try to get the muffin.
ReplyDeleteThis is brilliant! I am stoked that you chose to blog 'about something' instead of just the usual garbage (see also my blog from 2004-2008... yikes) and it's funny as hell! You write very well, I can totally see life through the lens of Casandra reading these posts.